Additional Chief Engineer is the Head of CADA in Manipur. The Additional Chief Engineer is assisted by four immediate sub-ordinate Officers, viz, Superintending Engineer, Executive Officers, Revenue Officer and Account Officer.
Superintending Engineer is supported by 3 (three ) Executive Engineers, and 1 (one) Surveyor of Works viz, (a) Executive Engineer (I&OFD), (d) Executive Engineer (HQ), (c) Executive Engineer (I&PD) and (d) Surveyor of Works, 7 (seven) Assistant Engineers, 2 (two) Assistant Surveyor of Works and 15 (fifteen) Section Officers. There are also sub-ordinate Engineering Staff like Surveyors and Chainman etc.
Executive Officer and Revenue Officer are responsible for all the Agriculture programmes. Two Agriculture Officers are assisting Executive Officer and Revenue Officer in Agriculture programmes and Revenue matters.
Accounts Officer looks after the Accounts Wing.
The Organisation Chart:

NOTE : In addition to the above staff, there are 1 (one) post of Accounts Officer, 1 (one) Circle Supdt., 1 (one) Head Clerks, 2(two) Accountants, 3 (three) UDCs, 10 (ten) LDCs and other Grade IV staff.